Classes Offered by JodiBGood

  • Navigating the Poly World

    Learn the terms, the different styles, how poly and D/s can work together.

  • Bottoming 101:

    Safety, negotiations, vetting, how to approach Tops and ask for play, what to have in your bottom bag.

    In this class we will discuss the following topics; safe S&M play for bottoms, negotiations, vetting of potential Tops, how to approach Tops and ask for play, and how to build your bottom bag for safety and fun.

  • Bottoms, Subs and Slaves, Oh My!

    In this class we will discuss the various labels those on “Team little letter” engender. We will discuss the similarities and differences between the various labels. Lastly, I will provide some guidance to choosing a label that fits you best.

  • Sexual Safety 101

    Blood born pathogens and safe sex practices.

  • Leather/BDSM Etiquette

    Leather and lifestyle events can be intimidating. How to not offend and look like you know what you're doing.

  • Mental Health and BDSM

    In this class we will discuss principles and practices to follow when addressing S&M play and mental illness. Topics will include; potential triggers, implications of mental health issues for negotiations and aftercare.

  • Slave/Submissive Etiquette

    Protocols, expectations, training

  • BDSM 101

    What is this all about? How to I start?

  • Body Positivity:

    Discovering the God/Goddess Within

    Tips to help you learn to feel comfortable in your own body. Accentuate the positives. Positive self talk and pushing yourself past your comfort zone to love the body you are in and what it can do for you.

  • Anticipatory Service

    Learn your Master/Mistress/Dom/Daddy/Mommy, and their needs, to be able to as accurately as possible give them what they need before they have to ask for it.

  • Butler Books

    What are they? An overview of the history of them. How to utilize them in your daily life. How to utilize them in D/s.