Classes Offered by JustRob

Skills: Impact

Impact 101

Impact Play is oftentimes the "gateway drug" for the BDSM community. However, there are lots of ways to really hose it up. In this class we will discuss the basics of impact play, specifically why we do it, the sensations we create, and how and with what, safety and anatomy, negotiations, and aftercare. A demo can be made available, time permitting. Hands-on instruction to a small extent is also possible, time permitting.

Impact 201

So you got the basics of impact play down, what now? In Impact Play 201 we discuss heavy impact or concussive play. This is impact play on steroids and not for the faint of heart. We will discuss ways and implements we can use to kick our impact up a notch or two. A demo can be made available, time permitting. Hands-on instruction to a small extent is also possible, time permitting.

Blood Impact

Wanna take your impact play to the next level? Just add Blood. This session will include ideas about how to draw blood for or during impact, ideas for making your own blood impact implements, containment of blood during impact to minimize contamination, and safety considerations for doing blood impact.

Skills: Electro-Play

Electro-Play 101

A beginner's view and overview of electro-play. We will discuss the dynamics of electro-play, the different implements and their characteristics, and the safety and care considerations.

Violet Wand 101

Want to electrify your play? Interested in a hair-raising experience? Come learn the basics of how to safely use the violet wand for play. Learn the different techniques, safety concerns, and different equipment that can be used. The class will include a demonstration of violet wand use. Experience the zap of the violet wand for interested volunteers will be available, time permitting.

Advanced Violet Wand for Pain and Torture

The buzz of the wand. The zap of the current. Come learn how to use the violet wand for pain and torture. This will be an advanced class, so please bring a basic understanding of electro play or the experience in S&M to fill in the blanks. It will be shockingly fun!

Skills: Sharps

Pinch, Bite, Burn, Ahhhh! Medical Play: Needles, Stapling and More

Do you want to feel or administer the pinch, bite, and burn of play piercing/needle play? Medical skin staplers can be fun for medical play. They can be used for pain, for decoration, and just plain fun. Come learn the basics of safe needle and medical staple play. Learn the different techniques, safety concerns, and different equipment that can be used. The class will include a demonstration of needle insertion, needle manipulation once inserted and needle removal, stapler use, and staple removal, also some creative ways to use said staples.

Advanced Needle Play

So you've done some poking or been poked and it's become a bit pedestrian for you? Looking for new and ingenious ways to satisfy your blood lust? Come learn the 4 principles of advanced piercing play. Come pick up some tips and tricks to take your needle play to the edge, and beyond.

Staples, Sutures and Psuedo-Suturing

Many of us at some point or another have had an accident and needed to have a wound closed via staples or stitches, but have you ever had your mouth stapled shut as a form of speech restriction? In this session we will discuss the use of skin closure technology specifically skin staple and sutures for kink purposes. We will also discuss pseudo-suturing, a form of skin closure that doesn't employ sutures but is a relative safe and easy way to sew something open or closed or on :)

Just Quillin': Porcupine Quills for Sadists

Piercing doesn't have to just been metallic and medical. In this class we will discuss the details around using porcupine quills for piercing play. Class will include safety concerns, how to acquire quills, and techniques for play. A hands-on demo will be included if possible.

Barbed Wire: It's Not Just For Cattle

Barbed Wire, a.k.a The Devil's Rope is a very versatile edge play implement. In this class, we will explore the use of barbed wire for bondage, for predicament, for impact, for aesthetics, and for blood. We will also discuss some safe handled best practices and hygiene concerns with regards to playing with barbed wire. Come learn that Barbed Wire is not just for cattle!

Working with Barbed Wire Hands-On

In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to clean, prepare, and work with barbed wire for play. There will be no demo of play with barbed wire. All of the necessary equipment and materials will be provided.  The goal of this workshop is for everyone to walk away with hands-on knowledge of how to safely prepare barbed wire for play. As such, there will be an opportunity for each participant to cut, clean, and manipulate barbed wire. Please be sure to review the below notes about safety precautions that will be required for this workshop. 

Skills: Temporary Body Modification

Saline Infusion for Breast Expansion (Demo and/or Class)

In this session, we will discuss the temporary expansion of the breast through saline infusion. We will discuss the equipment necessary. The safety and anatomical considerations for infusion. We will walk through the basic procedure for infusion. Lastly, we will talk about some of our real world experiences with infusions and provide some best practices for doing breast infusions. The content of this class is applicable to bottoms of any gender expression or identity, regardless of anatomy.

Class can be paired with an infusion demo, but demoing infusions beginning to end can be time consuming, so please consider this before requesting a demo.

Skills: General Sadism

Tit Torture

Tie 'em, clamp 'em, whip 'em, stick 'em, slap 'em - the possibilities are endless. Come see what is possible in the infliction of pain on the breast. This class will focus on breast play with large-breasted individuals, but the information and techniques discussed can be adapted to anybody. The class will include a demo of some of the techniques discussed and may include hands-on class-participation if the opportunity allows.

Sadistic Science: Best Practices for Experimentation in Pain and Torture

Much of what we do in the kink world is uncharted (or relatively uncharted) territory. There are few manuals in the world that instruct you on how to do some of the more extreme things we do. So we often learn by doing, through well-researched and risk conscientious experimentation. Sadistic Science! In this interactive discussion, I will talk about some of the best practices I have developed over the years of doing sadistic science.

Talky/Think S&M

Let’s Talk About Edge Play

In this discussion we will discuss Edge Play. We will explore what it is, the Pros and Cons of it, and some best practices for making the most of your experience.

Scene Negotiations for Safety and Profit(?)

Negotiations make up the backbone of your scene. This presentation will cover the why and how of one of the most important parts of the BDSM community, as well as, discuss techniques and address questions for negotiating varied types of scenes including; heavy impact, blood play, edge play, and more!

"When One Isn't Enough!" The Why and How of Co-Topping

This class will discuss the motivations, dynamics, and implications of co-topping. Real-world examples will illustrate the how and whys of co-topping and touch on how to negotiate co-topping scenes. This class will focus on S&M activities as the dynamic, but the principles discussed can extend to any power exchange dynamic, it's not ALL to the pain!


Beyond the Dyad; Different Forms of Non-Monogamy

Swinging. Polyamory. Open Relationship. Aren't these all the same thing? In this session we will discuss the practice of non-monogamy and the most common forms or configurations it can take. The goal being to help those new, inexperienced, or curious about the world of non-monogamy to acquire some common language to discuss their interests and/or desires. Bring your question(s) about non-monogamy.

Google Calendar-Fu, and other Polyam Relationship Management Tips and Tools

In this class, we will discuss some tools to help manage the practical aspects of polyam life. Things like calendaring and scheduling, information management, communications, and others. We are talking about digital or technological tools here, not mental tools, so come with your biggest polyam life organizational challenges and learn how to manage the amount of information that comes from loving multiple people.

Personal Development/Growth and Leadership

Failure Isn't An Option, It's a Requirement

In this interactive session, we will discuss the issue of failure (or mistakes) in BDSM communities. Making and learning from mistakes is an important component of success. However, in the culture of S/M, Leather, and BDSM we have placed a significant amount of taboo around failure that doesn't in my view truly recognize the value of failure on our individual paths. This session will discuss this in detail and brainstorm some ways we can change this and set more positive and constructive cultural norms.

My Journey to Becoming An Accomplice

In this candid discussion I will discuss my personal journey from oblivious, head-in-the-sand white guy to "woke" accomplice. We will discuss my experience and thoughts with the difference between allyship and being an accomplice. We will discuss some of the mistakes I've made and witnessed others make during my journey. We will also discuss how as privileged individuals we can de-centered ourselves and space space in our spheres for marginalized people.

"The Why, Not The What" Intergenerational Tension in Leather & Kink

One of the major impediments to growth of the Leather and Kink communities it seems, is the tension between generations. “The Old Guard” vs. “The New Guard”. “TNG” vs “TOG”. However, you want to frame it. But in my view it doesn’t have to be this way, and as I see it there is a fundamental disconnect at the heart of much of this tension that I believe can be addressed. In this discussion I discuss what I believe is at the heart of this tension and invite the attendees to brainstorm with me about ways in which this tension can be overcome.

Servant Leadership: Leading with Love NOT Hate and Fear

How we lead is just as important a factor as who leads or who is being led. In many of our communities leadership is characterized by hate, fear, shame, and ego. How is that working out? There is a different way, Servant Leadership, Leading with Love. Let me tell you a bit about it and see if it's right for you (don't call your doctor), or if you've already been doing it and didn't even know.

Hurdles to Receiving Service Gracefully

On the surface receiving service seems like an easy thing, someone wants to do something for you and you let them. But it really isn't. Even receiving service comes with it's challenges and pitfalls and in this class we will discuss some of them. I will share my journey through working to become a more willing and graceful service recipient and we will discuss strategies for overcoming challenges you might face.

Receiving Service IS Service

In this class we will dispell the myth that all service is inherently unequally beneficially to one party. We will discuss the ways in which intentionally negotiated service represents service in both directions. I will share examples from my own experience of this and we will discuss your experiences and help come up with ways we can reinforce healthy and productive service practices.

I Am A Neurodivergent, Introverted, Physically Disabled Educator in the Kink and Leather World, Ask Me Anything (AMA)

When you go to an event and you take a class and you see the educator in front of the class speaking, they may make it look easy, but for many it isn't. It isn't for me. But my passion for educating has led me to develop tools to help me cope with the challenges that I face in pursuing this path. In this session I want to make myself available for questions to have a frank discussion about what that looks like. To potentially those of you who may want to begin down this path, or who are on it and struggling. Everyone is welcome.

Who do you serve? Who do you want to serve? Who isn't being served already?

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